Saturday 7 September 2013

A week of rest...

Well this week was one of those weeks that rest was needed.  How does one do this with a part time job and a two year old?  Well with the love and support of a large family and great friends everything worked out and everyone was fed! 

As most of you know I love to what do I eat when I can't be in the kitchen for hours or even minutes really? Well, I have a "go to" meal that I could eat over and over again....and this week I have.
*Breakfast pitas with flax from Costco are one of my most favourite food items! (I buy these; keep them in freezer bags in the freezer...they toast up like fresh)
*Light old cheddar cheese
*fresh garden tomato
*thinly sliced English cucumber

Lightly toasted pita cut half open; spread generously with the tzatziki.

I just eat this with the cheese, tomato and cucumber; but when I'm making a more substantial meal I add falafals.  
I buy these from Costco but you can pretty much get them at any supermarket these days.  I keep these in my freezer in feeezer bags.  When I'm ready for them I put a portion in the toaster oven while I'm toasting the pita.
This is a monster sandwich....and hits the spot every time.  

Almost done!!!! I did have a helper....I offered Jeff a bite and got half of my sandwich back....I can't blame's soooooo tasty!!!!
So here is a glimpse into my week of meals and my attire of PJ pants!!!!  Thanks to my sisters who did bring me a few does need a little variety!

I hope this is an encouragement to you! I wanted to show you that no matter how busy you are with this "back to school" Fall season; with a little thought and planning ...healthy, tasty "put together" meals are less than 10 minutes away!

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