Monday 5 January 2015


So my sister came over looking for some of the chocolate peanut butter Rice Krispie squares. I told her they were in the basement fridge; I needed atleast one floor between me and them....they are too good!
Now for dinner; with Liam napping and these two "getting along" I needed to start thinking about what I could whip up.  I had put bags of taco pork mix in the freezer for days when I don't know what to make. 
I love making a huge batch of ground meat, seasoning it, adding onions, peppers and portioning in the freezer. Not having to cook the meat portion of a meal is half the battle. The meat can be used for burritos, quesadillas, pasta, nachos, tacos salad, chilli and in this case baked toquitos.
I decided to mix two bags of that meat mixture with a cup of shredded cheddar cheese, and a half a brick of cream cheese. 
I got to this stage and the thought corn and left over rice would of been wonderful.  No big deal! I unwrapped them and dumped the filling into a bowl and added the leftover rice and about a cup of frozen corn.

Within about 5 minutes I was back to this stage and had even 1 more toquitos portioned out. I love making food stretch further!
I brushed these with olive oil and baked them in a 425F oven for 25 minutes. I served these with a southwest style bagged salad. Could it be simpler? 
I was thinking this would make a great prepared meal to give someone. These toquitos style burritos can be made way ahead of time and baked one at a time if need be.

My sister in-law says she's going to make these. Yes I'm calling you out Demelza! In speaking with her about the toquitos she had mentioned making them as a snack and I thought by using the small tortillas shells they would be perfect for dipping and more of an appetizer style. I might need to try that myself! Happy cooking Demelza; and happy eating Drew...You're welcome!
Aubrey had such a great dinner I let her have a chocolate peanut butter Rice Krispie triangle for a bedtime snack. That's totally like a bowl of cereal and a peanut butter sandwich with a cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows; isn't it? Don't judge!!!!

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