Saturday 6 September 2014

Dinner for two

Do you ever have "no clue" what to make for dinner? This happens to me on a regular basis. The fact that I am usually cooking for a three year food critic and myself makes me often want to just throw a pizza in the oven.  Last night Aubrey had some leftovers and I ended up eating a bowl of popcorn and frozen yogurt, so I felt the need to make a well rounded dinner.
It all started with a nice steak from the freezer. Cooking for two is a lot easier then one would think. You don't need much.
I thawed this in the sink all day. 
I cut one large potato into wedges and one head of brocolli. I put both of these ingredients on a parchment lined sheet pan. I drizzled them with olive oil, salt and pepper. 
This took all of three minutes to complete.
I put this in a 400F convection oven for 20 minutes.
I patted my steak dry before seasoning generously on one side.

Making sure my lightly oiled pan was hot I added the seasoned side down in the pan.
A trick to making sure the pan is hot enough, as well as adding flavour I added a sprig of rosemary. If it sizzles the pan is ready!

I seasoned the second side before flipping it over. 

The key to getting a good sear is not moving the steak around in the pan. Once all sides have been seared put the whole pan in the oven. 

I pulled out my veggies and put my steak in for 8-10 minutes. The time for this all depends how rare or well done you prefer the steak to be.
While my meat was resting I put my plates together; giving the steak atleast 5 minutes to rest.
Aubrey doesn't like spice very much so I just added BBQ sauce to my plate.  
This whole dinner took 30 minutes to make and serve. Clean up will be putting parchment in the garbage and the dishes in the dishwasher. That's my kind of prep and clean up!
We had our little dinner date infront of the tv watching chopped.
Looks like I won again!

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