So Liam has been teething like crazy which means my afternoons have consisted of this; Co-napping. As long as he sleeps I'm not really bothered by it. I find it special; although it is cutting into the time I usually prepare dinner. I decided to make a quick soup using the leftover chicken stock and pulled chicken I had stuck in the freezer.

I started with sliced onions and celery in a hot Dutch oven. I let this cook down, adding in curry powder and then deglazed that with some leftover white wine.
I added in a litre of chicken broth, 2 cans of coconut milk, and 2 cans full of water. I added in my sliced veggies, you can add anything but I chose carrots, mushrooms and canned baby corn.
I then added in the slightly defrosted pulled chicken and brought the soup to a simmer.
Once I tasted it I decided it needed lime zest, lime juice, oyster sauce and soya sauce.
I blanched some brocolli but kept that separate only adding it to each portion. Over-cooked brocolli is not my idea of a fun time! We served this over a choice of chow mein noodles or leftover brown rice. It was so much fun to serve this to my brother and he actually ate it and enjoyed it.
Took my kids to their friends 2nd birthday party. It was safari themed; Aubrey insisted on wearing her party dress...girls will be girls!
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