So some days you just need a Roxy-cuddle! This is my sweet niece and her smile can make any heart ache seem distant.
Theres something about watching a friend grieve that makes life real and at the same time so unreal. But grief to the person grieving is all too real. So what do I do from a distance when my help isn't quite helpful? I pray, oh do I pray. I pray that the Lord of all comfort and peace be theirs and then once I've prayed I cook and bake. I feed the hurting I guess you could say. Everyone still needs to eat. After a big batch of soup was tucked away in the freezer for when it's needed I thought I'd make a big batch of cookies to have ready to send too. I was all out of chocolate chips so I got out my last sweet Christmas gift; mint chips...thanks Jenn!

After tasting a few of the mint chips (well maybe more than a few!) I thought they would pair so nicely with my chocolate cookie recipe.
3/4 cup unsalted butter
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup cocoa
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp maldon seasalt (I upped the salt from 1/4 tsp and it helped the chocolate mint flavour come out)
1 cup mint chips
I Creamed the butter and sugars together and added in the eggs. I doubled the recipe and used all the chocolate chips.
This stage is key to making the perfect cookie; beating the batter until it is light in colour before adding the dry ingredients.
Aubrey loves making cards and so she chose to make a card while I baked the cookies. She is so sweet!
I added in all the dry ingridients; mixed in the mint chips and made sure it was all incorporated.
I had the kids taste the Batter to make sure it was good, once approved I used my small scoop to portion out the dough.