Fall has arrived and with that comes autum flavours; nutmeg, cinnamon, all spice... the list goes on. Liam has been wanting cookies and since he loves raisins this cookie recipe came to mind. I got this off of Pinterest and minus the icing it looked great.

Chef Aubrey wanted to be incharge of the cookies so I let her take the reigns. We creamed the butter, sugar and eggs together.
I mixed up all of the dry ingredients as per the recipe and after adding vanilla she added the dry ingredients in.
I added all the garnish to a bowl. We doubled the recipe and so I basically wanted 3 cups of garnish. We did 1/2cup raisins, 1/2cup Craisins, 1cup unsweetened coconut and 1 cup of chocolate chips. I mixed this up and she added it in.
After a good mix it was ready.
She insisted on scooping them herself. She did a great job and after one pan was in the oven she was done. No problem I scooped the rest. This double batch made about 5 dozen.
Chef Aubrey had the first taste test.
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