So my new normal while Aubrey is at school is hanging out with my little man solo. As I readjust I am choosing to see the things to be thankful for; at the top of my list would be my family that's for sure.

With the fall season seems to come a very busy time of year; a perfect time to fill the freezer and make meal planning a snap.
To start I whipped up this filling using leftover pork; I chopped up the pork and added 2 cans of beans, frozen corn, diced pepper, shredded cheese and taco seasoning and salsa.
I scooped this filling into tortilla wraps, rolled them up and laid them on a parchment lined cookie sheet seam side down. I put this tray into the freezer since these are easier to package when frozen.
With still 1/2 of the filling left I ran out of wraps so I decided to make meat pies with the remaining filling.I topped these with homemade pie dough from my freezer.
You can basically top anything with pie dough and call it a day
I packaged all these meals up, labelled them with cooking instructions and put them in the freezer. These meals are ready to share with friends. The perfect remedy to stop feeling sorry for yourself is to think of how you can help someone else!
Feeling like my freezer was lacking without frozen cookies I decided to whip up my quadruple batch of cookies. This recipe makes more than enough to share.
We decided to make up little thank you packages for Aubrey's teachers; week one. Done. Oh boy I couldn't imagine having that job; it takes a very special person to teach kindergarten!
Speaking of needing patience....Liam really wanted a cookie!
This was the perfect way to end my day; "chopped" mommy time with this dolly! Looking for the positive in life is way more fun; I have a whole lot to be grateful for!
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