I cook the quinoa as per the instructions on the box and by the time the quinoa is cooked I have assembled the rest of the salad.
I choose a huge bowl and shred peeled carrots into it; gotta love my 45 cup Tupperware bowl with a lid(thanks Steph!).
I add in mint and parsley that I washed and chopped up.
Next I finely chop up thoroughly washed celery and add that in.
Next I get out all of my dressing ingredients:
Orange(zest and juice), lemon honey, soya sauce, apple cider vinegar, sesame oil, olive oil, sea salt, cracked black pepper and powdered ginger.

I mix this up and you want this to be over seasoned since you're adding in a whole bunch of quinoa.
I fluff the quinoa with a fork and then mix in the warm quinoa into the garnish.
This can be served right away as a warm quinoa salad or this will stay good in the fridge for up to a week. I love this served warm with a nice piece of grilled salmon.
So there you have it. I made the salad and had my kitchen cleaned up within 20 minutes; now that's an easy recipe!Speaking of superstore; when we saw this sign last week Aubrey asked if she could take Chef Lynn cookies.
sorry if you get this comment twice, but this salad looks amazing, could you send me the recipe njbowering@gmail.com I love superstore...so much variety and good value for your money, especially when feeding 3 boys!!! Hope you are doing well.