I was craving pasta and I also wanted to put a few meals in the freezer. Using only what I had on hand I started preparing everything to make pasta bake. I cooked up two boxes of pasta.

In that same large pot I cooked up one lbs of bacon and a package of sausage. I took the sausages out of their casings and used a wooden spoon to break them up.

I added an onion soup mix package and 3 cheese sauce packages left over from Annie's Mac and cheese. To this I added two mugs of water.
Separately I sautéed up 2 diced green pepper, 2 diced onions and four ribs of chopped celery.
Once cooked I put everything in my massive bowl and tossed it altogether. I added about a cup of milk and salt & pepper to taste.
I divided this into four freezer safe baking dishes.
In the bowl I had already used I put three cups of Rice Krispies, 2 cups of shredded cheese, a couple swigs of olive oil and salt & pepper. I mixed this up and topped each casserole.
I baked one of these and froze the other three! I baked this at 375F uncovered for 30 minutes. From frozen this would take more like an hour.
We took a little break and picked up aubreys back to school gift from her grandma. Can't believe I will soon be the mom of a kindergartener?!
This was a last minute photo with two portions already served up. From four of us eating there was about 1/4 cup left over; I'd say it was a hit!
It was remiscent of a ramped up hamburger helper and I served this with an Italian style kale salad. It was very satisfying and delicious; that's a positive thing since I now have three huge cassoroles in the freezer!
Fast forward to August 27; we went as a family to A&W to support the fight against MS. We had a blast and Aubrey proudly wore her red MS walk tshirt.
We are thoroughly enjoying the last few weeks of summer before the busy routine of school begins; those cassoroles in the freezer should come in handy!